Speed up your web site by making use of a USA Located Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting Package.

If you find out that your cloud hosting account is not really an adequate solution for your website, but a dedicated server is not up to your budget and too complicated to work with, you could take advantage of our USA–based semi–dedicated servers.

A Linux semi-dedicated hosting package is really a special combination from a cloud hosting account and a Linux dedicated servers hosting package giving the the best of both platforms. It offers the the effectiveness of a dedicated server (minus the frequent server administration tasks), wrapped in a user–friendly Online Control Panel that is provided with all cloud hosting plans right after you sign up.

And due to their uniqueness, our semi–dedicated servers are available only within our USA located data center. It became the initial data center at which we were in a position to deploy our custom cloud hosting platform and it delivers unmatched power and cooling solutions. We have also built a specialized internal network sustained by enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is the way we are able to guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all of our USA Located Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting Packages

One of the key features of our USA semi–dedicated servers is the 9 Cube Hosting Online Control Panel. It is featured free of cost with all semi–dedicated servers and is designed to be running in the cloud. This way, we save your server from needing to power the Control Panel along with your sites as well. You can use the entire server energy exclusively for your websites. Moreover, the Online Control Panel is packed with free tools and bonuses , which can speed up your web presence.

Other US Hosting Services

Our USA located data center is in addition home to a number of other web hosting services in addition to our US semi–dedicated servers. We supply cloud hosting packages based on an exclusive cloud hosting platform. Every single USA Located Cloud Hosting package features a academy domain name for just $32.70 and limitless disk space and traffic quotas. Additionally, you can choose our USA Located Linux VPS Hosting Packages, which are based on NVMe disks offering unrivalled file access speed. You can go for a USA Located Linux Dedicated Servers Hosting Packages – the top web hosting solution in case you have a live video streaming web site or a CPU hungry application.